The task about getting the camera and clock feature works

The task about getting the camera and clock feature works

Another week delay due to my new schedule which from today onward I got to walk into campus every day. This stirred up my plan and was consistent. But after a week, I'm getting use to it and plan to carry on with my task.

Upcoming task from previous blog

  1. Get the app Rename done.

  2. Get the block list working

  3. Get the access camera feature working

I managed to get the camera access and desk clock features working on the front page. However, there are issues where different Android devices require different device names for these features to work.

Currently, I haven't found a better solution to auto-generate the device name and change it accordingly for each device. For now, I will do it manually.

Next task

  1. Get the delay starting at the selected app

  2. Get the block list working