Day 2 Create the UI & UX function

Day 2 progress, I made the time display on top of the screen by changing the MainAxisAlignment from center ---> start . On top of the screen, insert a SizedBox with the height of 30 to creating margin on top.

From the code snippet below, I have created the time and date. But I commented on the date because I might not use it on the display.

The code snippet below is the formatted time and date logic.

I will start with the time format as HH:mmto ensure the time is live. Then, I will remove the seconds, as having them displayed makes me feel anxious.

Next, I will create a calling button on the left corner

Manage to swipe left to view the installed application. But currently, I found a challenge which is only showing the system application. Not the mobile application. I'm going to take a break and see if I can figure anything out today and might continue tomorrow.